March 23: Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo

“Three times [St. Turibius] traversed the eighteen thousand miles of his diocese, generally on foot…” ~The Catholic Encyclopedia
Perhaps St. Turibius is a good Saint to call upon if you’re a hiker.
The Hiker’s Prayer
Thank you God for the rising sun. You’ve granted me another day. Your grace is amazing; bless you faithful Lord. The creation sings your praise, and I join the sound. Heal my tired soul; restore my aching bones. Lead each step along my path today. Ease my burdens as I press forward. Quench my thirst with your living streams.
Like the cool morning breeze, your peace refreshes me. Steady me on the slippery slopes. Release me from the ropes that bind me, that hold me back. Protect me from the viper that hides (within and without). Lift me up from this shadowy valley. The peak is almost in sight. I am rising above this world.
Into your country, I long to go. Bless my companions who travel with me. The trail is rugged and narrow, but you are right beside me. Thank you God, my trusted Guide. Glory to your Holy Name. Amen
St. Turibius, pray for us.