Alpha and Omega

Lord Jesus Christ, in you all times and all seasons reach their fullness. On this last day of the year, renew your people’s hope for the fullness of freedom, peace, and love, who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Saturday, December 31, 2022

Feast of the Holy Family

God and Father of all, you gave us the Holy Family to serve as an example of love and obedience. Grant to all people, in family homes or alone, the grace to hold in honor the bonds of love and respect which bind the human race chosen for adoption as your children, through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Friday, December 30, 2022

Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

You Have Come Among Us

O God who dwell in unapproachable light, you have come among us to lighten our darkness. Open our eyes to see your glory concealed in the revelations of daily life; open our hearts to receive you with Simeon’s welcoming faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Thursday, December 29, 2022

Photo by Wonderlane on Unsplash

The Holy Innocents

Father, you sent your only Son to die, that all the children of this world might live and grow to fullness in the kingdom he proclaimed. Transform in the hearts of all people the forces of violence, cruelty, and destruction into the one saving force of love, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Photo by Yannis H on Unsplash

Saint John the Evangelist

O God, you filled Saint John with love for your Word and for Jesus Christ, your Word made flesh. Through his intercession, may the Word fill the hearts of all your people, so that we may proclaim the Gospel by the love we bear for one another, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace: we bless you for the gift of your great light. May all the world rejoice in your coming, O Savior and Lord, who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Sunday, December 25, 2022

Photo by David Trinks on Unsplash

Bind Us Together

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the peace that binds the human race in one. As we prepare to celebrate with joy the feast of your birth, renew in all hearts the love of God and neighbor that is the true sign of your kingdom come, who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Saturday, December 24, 2022

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

The Light of Hope

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the light in which we place our hope. Break upon minds clouded by confusion, hearts darkened by self-seeking, spirits dimmed by deadening habits, and set your people free to welcome your coming with joy, who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Friday, December 23, 2022

Photo by Kym MacKinnon on Unsplash

Rejoice in Hope

God our Father, you so loved the world that you sent your only Son to bring life to those who were without life. Raise up in him all those who long to be delivered from the oppression of sin and death. We rejoice in hope as we look forward to the celebration of his coming, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Thursday, December 22, 2022

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Arise in Joy

O God, during this season of hope you call your beloved people to arise in joy to greet the celebration of the coming of your Son as the promised Messiah. Free us from all that would keep us from looking forward with eagerness to his return in glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Photo by Preslie Hirsch on Unsplash