Focus on Jesus

God of power and might, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, empty us of all that is ­self-centered, fill us with your Spirit, and center our lives on your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Saturday, April 30, 2022.

Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash

Saint Catherine of Siena

O God, you are beauty and wisdom, mystery and love. Inflame the hearts of your people for you and for your Church through the prayer and example of Saint Catherine. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Friday, April 29, 2022.

Photo by Gilly Stewart on Unsplash

Our Shelter

God, you are our shelter against the burning heat of the day and the storms of life. Help us when we stumble, catch us when we fall, and guide our steps firmly in faith toward the promise of eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Thursday, April 28, 2022.

Photo by Gilly Stewart on Unsplash

Open Our Prison Cells

God of mercy, you poured forth upon us the Spirit of the freedom of the children of God. As you opened the prison cells to which the first disciples were condemned, open every gate that stands between us and the freedom to love you and our neighbor, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Wednesday, April 27, 2022.

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Renewing Fire

O Lord our God, between Easter and Pentecost, you speak to us of the Spirit at work in your Church. Send your renewing fire into the hearts of all your people during this holy season, that we may live with enthusiasm the life of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Saint Mark the Evangelist

O God, who by the hand of Mark the Evangelist have given to your Church the Gospel of Jesus Christ Your Son. We thank you for this witness, and pray that we may be firmly grounded in its truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever. Amen.

Easter Saturday

O God, you chose the Virgin Mary as the figure of the new Israel, from whom is born the new David. Victorious in his battle with an enemy far more terrifying than Goliath, the Lord Jesus keeps the promise of the prophet: sorrow and mourning will flee. In this new world marked by joy, make new all those who are blind and deaf and lame of spirit, that they may enter singing into your new Jerusalem and there rejoice in the gladness of the Mother of the risen Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Saturday within the Octave of Easter, April 23, 2022.

Photo by Nick Owuor (astro.nic.visuals) on Unsplash

Easter Friday

O Lord, through our Easter celebrations, renew your people in zeal to speak and live the Gospel, that the Church may truly be a living sacrament of salvation for all peoples, through Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Friday within the Octave of Easter, April 22, 2022.

Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

Easter Thursday

Lord Jesus Christ, you revealed to your disciples the mystery of your humanity risen and glorified. Grant us the eyes of faith to see your presence in all those who are your Body, you who live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Thursday within the Octave of Easter, April 21, 2022.

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Easter Wednesday

O God, in Christ you give bread to the hungry. May we who have put on Christ and eaten at his banquet table turn in love toward those who are without food for body or spirit, and freely give what we have been so richly given, proclaiming with joy the Christ whom we have come to know in his sacramental gifts. We ask this in his most holy name. Amen.

Prayer taken from Magnificat—Morning Prayer, Wednesday within the Octave of Easter, April 20, 2022.

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash