St. Philip Howard, pray for us

St Philip Howard, martyred 19 Oct 1595
“Quanto plus afflictiones pro Christo in hoc saeculo, tanto plus gloriae cum Christo in futuro” (The more affliction [we endure] for Christ in this world, the more glory [we shall obtain] with Christ in the next’ (cf. Rom 8).) ~St. Philip Howard
To you, Holy Martyrs of England and Wales, we commend our prayers and our needs in these difficult times. As you laid down your lives for Christ and His Church, we ask that we may emulate your sacrifice in our daily lives, living as true and humble disciples of Christ.
May His Gospel so penetrate our minds and hearts that we may become what He urges us to be: salt of the earth and light of the world, making Him present through holy lives to the men and women of our time.
Sustain us with your loving presence, be our companions on our earthly journey. Defend us in moments of trial, console us in sorrows and remind us of that joy which Christ implants into the souls of His devoted servants. Intercede that we may truly be servants of mercy and reconciliation.
Watch over us and guide us in our Christian lives so one day we may merit to be with you in the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Amen.