Wednesday, Easter VI

“In the Way of Perfection, we are allowed to hear St Teresa [of Avila] in intimate conversation with a beginner who has no idea how to ‘set about it’. Typically, and significantly, she directs her to the divine Companion who is present and lovingly intent upon her. Let her respond to this Friend; let her ponder on who He is, what He has done for her, how He has shown His incredible love, what He wants of her; let her treat Him with humble, tender intimacy. From the very start, without spending time on intellectual exercises, this beginner is directed ‘to relate to a Person’ and to reflect on He who is present. This musing is itself a prayer. Do not leave Him to go and think about Him! To do that would be as foolish as breaking from a lover’s arms to study his photograph and his curriculum vitae! This more objective form of meditation is indeed essential and must not be omitted, but, according to Teresa’s understanding, the hour set aside for prayer is not the time for it; that hour is for loving much, not thinking much. John of the Cross, too, sees that the heart of prayer ‘is the presence of God within the soul, a presence that is not static but an unceasing, positive loving that prepares us to receive ever more love, an action that is purifying, transforming, uniting.'” ~Sister Ruth Burrows, OCD