A Quiet Corner

“All I need is a quiet corner where I can talk to God each day as if there were nothing else to do. I try to make myself a tool for God. Not for myself, but only for Him.” ~St. Edith Stein

3 thoughts on “A Quiet Corner

  1. ANASTASIA Nancy Preis

    How fortunate I am now at 81 to live in a very beautiful spot in Vermont – to look out and see snow covered trees in winter and beautiful colors in Fall and wonderful apples in Summer -birds and deer. As St. Julie Billiart -foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur said so often ,”God is indeed good”> My home is a warm and wonderful place -inside and out -to raise one’s soul to the Father.
    I cannot seem to just get on Brother Rex’s page where I think he gives some spiritual thoughts? Blessings, Nancy

  2. Jeffrey Wm. Cotnoir

    Nancy, Brother Rex informed me a few weeks ago that he has disabled his Facebook page because of unwanted or questionable postings being left on it. His daily, spiritual thoughts are posted here. Peace be ever to you and all who frequent this page. May the love and healing of Christ bring you through to the end of a fruitful Lenten journey.

  3. Eduardo

    Bro. Rex, Thank you for posting your spiritual thoughts on your home little portion hermitage website. I do not subscribe to face book for the same issue. I hope you continue to include your spiritual thoughts here. Peace to you.

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