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Guest Post from Sarah Reinhard: The Bells Draw Me Back

By April 22, 2014September 7th, 20187 Comments

Note from the Chair:

Sarah Reinhard is a self-described “Catholic wife and mom who has a bit of an obsession with reading, horses, and things geeky.” This may be true, but she’s also an extremely gifted writer, with several books to her credit and a fantastic blog, Beyond that, she exudes the authenticity of someone whose experiences – combined with a wonderfully quirky sense of humor – make for consistently good reading. We’re deeply grateful to have Sarah as our guest blogger today.   

While you’re here, please consider leaving a prayer request for Br. Rex, and making a contribution to our Home for a Hermit campaign.

Thank you for visiting, and enjoy!


Bells calling you to prayer sure seemed like a good idea. So good, in fact, that I’ve had my phone set to remind me for a couple of years.

It’s a ringtone I’ve learned to explain in different ways.

“Oh, it must be time to think about dinner!”

“Ah, yes, this is what we work-at-home moms do, lest we lose track of time!”

“Mind if I pause for a minute? I just need to say thanks to God.”

Truth be told, I don’t use that last one much. In part, because I’m a wimp. And in part because I’ve learned to just silence the alarm without explanation.

So does my prayer count, even if it’s a two-second “Hey God, gotta go!”?

The idea behind setting up the alarms was one that was inspired by a friend’s book mentioning the Ignatian practice of a daily (and through-the-day) examen. I adapted it to a three-time-a-day grateful prayer, which was inspired by a different friend’s morning tweeting. This friend begins each morning with a #gratefultweet (that’s the hashtag). I started doing it and it’s become a different sort of public prayer for me.

Saying thanks for muddy footprints, wet doggy fur, and spilled Kool-Aid isn’t easy some days. It’s even hard to actually accept the grace to be grateful for things like unexpected hospital visits, difficult relationships, and another fast food dinner.

And yet, when my 5:30 bell rings, I’ll turn, however briefly, to God. He may not see the whites of my eyes (much) or hear a whole lot from me. I may be up to my elbows in dinner prep, homework help, and chore duty. All the same, that bell will ring. And it will draw me, once again, to my Source.

Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mom, writer, and coffee-chugger who’s online at


  • How wonderful Sarah explains it all. When home I hear the chime clock -chime at 15 minutes around the clock and I can raise my heart to the Lord. On the hour I can say “thank you” over and over again – thank you God for your love, thank you God for my husband, thank you God for these sunny days, Thank you God for everything!

  • Thanks for your comment Anastasia! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it.

    And Kevin, you’re spreading nice rumors about me! Thanks for that!

  • Eugenia says:

    What an easy thing to do. In the midst of crazy housekeeping, a bell reminder goes off to say a prayer. And how wonderful that it might go off at a particularly difficult time when we need it most! 🙂 I need to do this.

  • Deacon Peter says:

    Don’t be a wimp (your word), just say it, “it is my time to pray.” If those who hear you were Muslim or prayerful Christians, they would understand.

    And yes, all the spiritual writers encourage us to “spontaneous” short prayers. “Thank you Jesus.” “Come Holy Spirit” “I love you Father.”

    In the spiritual life, (contemplative) the Holy Spirit will call you to these prayer moments. St Teresa of Avila says it is like a sheep hearing the whistle of the shepherd. St Bernard refers to these as “visitations.”

    With all that said, I like the call of bells. A great little reminder (we are not always in the contemplative atmosphere.) I’m setting my alarms. 🙂