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“Without    the    prayer    support    of people who have given over their lives to God in service to the Church in this way, I wouldn’t dare venture into an apostolate of evangelization. Behind every evangelist standing before the world to proclaim the Gospel there is a contemplative kneeling before God in prayer.”

Chris Stefanick, Evangelist

“Being a supporter and Friend of Little Portion Hermitage reminds me that I am being prayed for every day. This vocation is very important to have around. We all need prayers, even if you do not notice you need them. God is so good. He does some wonderful things through our friend at Little Portion Hermitage.”

Jeff Albert, direct support professional
John F. Murphy Homes Inc., Auburn, Maine

“Often when others ask about my spiritual director, they are taken aback when I say that his vocation is that of ‘a hermit.’ I use this phrase purposely, because almost without fail it evokes a surprised reaction from them. ‘What does a hermit do all day?!’, they ask. They have little room to comprehend a vocation that simply seeks to ‘be’ with God. This exposes the reality that our culture is obsessed with ‘doing’, with progress, with an endless stream of distractions and noise.

“The eremitic vocation stands like a stake driven into the center of the fast-moving stream of our culture and declares the truth that God first and foremost simply ‘IS.’ And that God is worthy of all of our attention, including a life devoted to contemplation; that God is worthy of the whole of our lives; that we need to examine our obsession with doing and begin to ask who we are and who we are being. Without people who have listened to God and obeyed him in embracing a vocation of the contemplative life, we would lose this witness which challenges us, corrects us, and teaches us what is most important about being made in the image of God.”

Will Truesdell, Director of Spiritual Formation,
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

“In a world of noise and chaos, the witness of the hermit is as important as it has ever been; perhaps more important. Men and women who embrace the eremitical call, who renounce the world for the sake of the world, are signs of contradiction in an age that fixates on money, power, sex and ego. If prayer is a waste of time, then it follows that those whom the Church consecrates for a life of prayer are wasting their time, and their lives. But if prayer is what we as Catholic Christians believe it to be, then those who are set apart for it are doing some of the most important work in the Church today.”

Matt Swaim
Co-Host, EWTN’s Son Rise Morning Show
Director of Outreach, The Coming Home Network International

“The eremitic life is one of true devotion to God by answering the universal call we all received through baptism, but done through total immersion in prayer. It is self-less, other-centered, and devoid of personal motives. It comprises a life at-the-ready for compassion and healing by continually lifting up those in need and comes very close to the catechism’s definition of true love: “willing the good of the other, just for the sake of the other.”

Deacon Dave, Permanent Deacon
Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland, Maine