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The Light of Christ

By February 5, 2017September 7th, 2018No Comments


“We should be known as men and women who are loyal, straightforward, truthful, cheerful, hardworking and optimistic. We have to behave the way people do who carry out their duties properly and who know how to comport themselves at every moment as children of God, without letting themselves be swept along the current of whatever is in vogue. The life of a Christian will then be a sign by which people will recognize the spirit of Christ. We must therefore often ask ourselves in our personal prayer whether our workmates, our family and our friends are likely to be moved to give glory to God when they observe our conduct, because they can discern in it the light of Christ. It will be a good sign that there is light in us and not darkness, love of God and not lukewarmness.” ~Francis Fernandez (In Conversation with God, Vol. 3, pg. 246)